12 февр. 2016 г.

G. L. Pease The Virginia Cream Review

Pipe Tobacco Blend G. L. Pease The Virginia Cream

“Distinctively delicious! G.L. Pease seasons fine red and golden flue-cured Virginia tobaccos with rare condimental leaf, enhancing the result with a subtle vanilla/bourbon topping that is never overbearing. Rare for a blend of its genre, The Virginia Cream delivers on its aromatic promise from the first puff to the bottom of the bowl, while leaving the pipe clean and free of phantom flavors. An all-American blend ideal for Virginia fanciers craving something a little sweeter.”

  • Cavendish
  • Virginia
  • Perique
  • Kentucky

Pipe Tobacco Blend G. L. Pease The Virginia Cream

Working on this tobacco blend, Gregory Pease used a new approach for yourself, and it affected not only tobacco, but also the packaging. The tin label designed in unusual and even unexpected, Gregory's style stands out against the background of the fact that Gregory Pease did previously. However, it is equally true with regard to both design and the contents of the tin.
Pipe Tobacco Blend G. L. Pease The Virginia Cream
The Virginia Cream is a blend of light and red Virginia ribbon, interspersed with dark brown and black tobacco flakes. In a moisture this blend, in my opinion, slightly dryish, but for G. L. Pease blends is a classic of its level.
With regard to tobacco flavor, then there is something to talk about. G. L. Pease The Virginia Cream – this is the first of aromatics in the Maestro portfolio. There were other pipe tobacco blends with the addition of alcohol flavorings, but all those experiments proceeded in line with the classics, and here and now in front of us something completely different. Although under the usual definition of "aromatic" this blend is not very ingested too. Nevertheless.
At the tin opening spreads a dense aroma of rum, sweet muffins and caramel. The flavor is rich, fullbody and stupefaction to the unexpected. The smell is definitely nice, but it could be expected from anything, but not from tobacco, on the tin of which Gregory Pease put your name. In addition, although he warned that smokers waiting for something completely new, still expected something not so powerful.
However, the rich smell lasts not a long. 2-3 days after the opening, its density is markedly reduced, and the flavor of the tobacco blend becomes refined. The smell is recognizable sweet fragrance of soda; light alcoholic tone is played in the background. And somewhere very far away visible subtle flavors of Virginia.
Pipe Tobacco Blend G. L. Pease The Virginia Cream
Tobacco filled to the pipe without any problems and cold-drawn gives all the same sweet taste of a carbonated beverage from childhood. Smoking the tobacco evenly, but sometimes hotter than usual.
The first clouds of smoke completely negates the previously created impression of a blend, and "saying" that smoking will not be easy. Once it becomes clear that this is - tobacco with serious character: spicy, strong, smoky. Perique paired with Kentucky in the first mouthfuls of smoke makes itself felt, literally grabbing the throat. There are many parallels with G. L. Pease Cumberland. How sly spark in surrounded spotted by wrinkled eyelids eyes, a thin thread woven into this brutality of light sweet of "cream soda". Controversially, but certainly original.
Tobacco taste really spicy, slightly hot. Virginia here acts in the roles of the second plan. Sweets, except "adscititious" in tobacco is almost not felt, which creates the impression of a certain stiffness taste a good tobacco fortress, accentuated and manifests itself at the end of smoking by "smoky" Kentucky.
As for the smoke flavor, this sweetness there is noticeable more clearly, making the smoke soft and pleasant to be around. And although it is not easily dissipated, usually complaints for smoke flavor does not come. In this regard, Gregory Pease managed to combine the seemingly incompatible things - to create a tobacco blend of the series "and yours, and ours". We may smoke good, strong tobacco with natural taste that smells as sweet aromatic. Well, almost as.
G. L. Pease The Virginia Cream Review

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